Adopting Robotics Technology: SMART Logistic & Supply Chain Automation in 5G Era

The traditional logistic and supply chain management are labour intensive, repetitive, routine and tiring. But with the emerging 5G network and robotic technology, this story has been changed.
This Tech to Connect Workshop has invited experts from logistics and supply chain industry to share their insight and ideas on how the adoption of the robotic technology would boost the business development of local logistic and supply chain industry and transform it into a SMART Industry.
Keynote Speakers:
- Mr Michael Tsang, Industry Development Manager, CMHK
- Dr Fan Ka Lun, Director (R&TD) and Chief Researcher, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
- Dr. Chiu Leung, Senior R&D Engineer, Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre
Robotic Technology ‧ Workflow Automation ‧ How could it help?
Date: 7 October 2021 (Thursday)
Time: 15:00 – 17:30
Venue: Executive Room 119, HKPC
Language: Cantonese
Course Fee: $HKD 80
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