
Jan 27, 20221 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Phil Ingram - Chief Marketing Officer
What are the challenges for games and blockchain?

Jan 25, 20221 min read
【Thanks for joining!】- Mixed Reality Convergence into the Metaverse World
A big thank you to David of Shamrock Studios, Phil Ingram of Lepricon and Weronika Marciniak of Future is meta, to share about...

Jan 25, 20221 min read
【Thanks for joining!】Exploring Data Forecasting, Product Recommendation & NLP & Tech Application
A big thank you to Sunny Wong of Set Sail Software -, Terence Pong of Fano Labs, Wai Hei Chow of Amazon Web Services...

Jan 20, 20221 min read
【Thanks for joining!】- Driving Digital Transformation by HR & L&D in January
To support HR and L&D prioneers in the wave of Digital Transformation, HKEBA and HKIHRM co-launch a new course called “Driving Digital Tra

Jan 12, 20221 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Amit Chatterjee, Founder & CEO, @Shadow Factory
Every brand dreams of having millions of people read its content, a.k.a "Viral Hit". Many would say that a viral hit is simply too tough to

Jan 11, 20221 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Claudia Sin, Founder, @Socially Aware Machine
Some people claim virtual gaming features eliminate the need for physical human interaction. Virtual gaming players who want to socialize an

Jan 5, 20221 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Vincent Poon, Co-Founder, @Oasis Project
Which factors lead to widespread adoption of high-tech products and services? Technology advances isn't a sure shot to success. Instead, the

Dec 22, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Jonah Lau, Senior Vice President,
What does "Innovation" mean to

Dec 21, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Tony Liang, Head of Engineering, @CryptoBLK
Why Permissioned DLT (Distributed Ledger Database) is more easily adopted by enterprise?

Dec 17, 20211 min read
【Thanks for joining!】- HKEBA x Networking Events in December
The HKEBA x networking dinner was held successfully on 16 December (Thursday).

Dec 16, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Aekasitt Guruvanich, Technology Lead, @Siam Intelligence Technology
What are the important skills that a blockchain developer must have?

Dec 14, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Kendrick Tan, Chief Technology Officer, @DFX Finance
Are NFTs the future of ecommerce ?

Nov 24, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Verlebie Chan, Customer Engineer, @Google Cloud Platform
Machine Learning allows us to cut corners by making accurate predictions and introducing automation.Some may ask if artificial intelligence

Nov 19, 20211 min read
【Thanks for joining!】- HKEBA x Boomi Networking Events in November
The HKEBA x Boomi Networking event was held successfully on 18 November (Thursday). Collaborate with Dell Boomi, we gathered over 15 Industr

Nov 18, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Patrick Leung, Field Sales Representative, @Google Cloud Platform
What formula should we really pay attention to build a successful Machine Learning Model ? Lots of data science projects are doomed to...

Nov 8, 20211 min read
【Thanks for joining!】Salesforce x HKEBA - Skill Workshop: Building Your Digital Capability
A big thank you to Ken Chew and Alan Ruan of Salesforce to explaining in detail of design learning paths for critical Salesforce job...

Nov 2, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】ATung Lee, General Manager, Group IT @Asiaray Media Group Limited
Why does a company need to know about Influencer Marketing? What is its relationship and influence on the development of e-commerce?

Oct 26, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Dyson Yu, Former Director, eCommerce Channels, Asia Pacific @Marriott
What will be the future development trend of e-commerce?

Oct 22, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】— Subie Wong, Senior Marketing Manager @ HKTVMall
Here is HKTVMall's Senior Marketing Manager — Subie Wong's personal experience and insights on AI and Machine Learning.

Oct 19, 20211 min read
【Speaker Highlight】Tiffany Wan, General Manager, Hong Kong @VS MEDIA
Why do businesses need to be aware of digital marketing? Why do they need to have this skill?